Blog17 articles

I usually write about the web, career and website development.
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How to add SSH keys to your GitHub account

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Learn how to add SSH keys to your GitHub account. Boost your account's security and ease your workflow by securely connecting your local machine to your GitHub repositories.

Mastering HTML Class Naming: Boosting CSS Efficiency

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Discover the art of crafting clean and organized HTML class names while enhancing CSS naming conventions. Learn how to create maintainable, scalable, and SEO-friendly code with the latest best practices.

What is Astro Framework?

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Astro is a new Javascript framework, so discover what makes it special and what are its core features.

Node Version Manager

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NVM, or Node Version Manager. What is it and why we should use it?

Cross-browser testing

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Cross-browser testing and how to test your site with Browserstack

Postgres connect URL

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How to connect postgres database with URL

JavaScript 101: Arrays

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Guide to javascript array methods

PHPStorm Allow Network Connections on Startup

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How to fix PHPStorm network connections error on startup

Difference between absolute and relative URL in HTML

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Everything you need to know about link addresses. Absolute link vs relative

Tutorial: How to create a grid with flexbox in React

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Creating a flexbox-based Grid component with BEM methodology and clsx

Highly recommended resources for developers

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Check out a list of the best resources and blogs for developers in 2022.

Dispatch table in javascript

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Polymorphism and Dispatch Tables in JS vs for...of Loops

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What is the difference between "" and "for...of"

Introducing the new

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How I built a modern portfolio in 2022, and a list of technologies used

How to use ESLint with TypeScript

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In this post, we'll walk through how to set up linting in your TS project.

Expressions vs Statements

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Understand the important distinction expressions vs statements in JavaScript

How to fix "__dirname is not defined in ES module scope"

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Here is how to fix the "__dirname is not defined in ES module scope" error